The Village: A Novel of Wartime Crete

The Village: A Novel of Wartime Crete

A Cretan village confronts the Nazi juggernaut sweeping across Europe. A village matriarch tries to hold her family together…Her grieving son finds a new life in the Cretan ResistanceA naive English soldier unwillingly finds the warrior in himselfAnd a fanatical German paratrooper is forced to question everything he thought he believed in. The lives of four ordinary people are irrevocably entwined and their destinies changed forever as each of them confronts the horrors of war and its echoes down the decades.

Check it out!
As Greek as it Gets: A fun, feel-good romantic comedy by Sue Roberts The Last Song of Penelope by Claire North STRONGHOLD: Four Seasons in the White Mountains of Crete House of Odysseus: The breathtaking retelling that brings ancient myth to life by Claire North How Greek Is Your Love? by Marjory McGinn The Women of Troy by Pat Barker

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